Friday, June 6, 2008

Monkey Business

I will periodically refer to my little monkey, Chase. It's no joke. She hangs from door frames, any pole she can find, luggage racks in the never ends. She never stops. She is a solid monkey of steel. Picture to prove it...she scales this particular door frame, that joins our 2 rooms together in the hotel, 20 times a day. She usually performs the Iron Cross or Spread Eagle , however on this day, she chose this new monkey pose. There are no adults assisting...just shaking our head at the floor from afar.


Shannon said...

oh my goodness that's amazing! and also too funny! your little blog ghost added something...can you find it?

One- said...

How in the world did she get up there? I would really love to see that live. Welcome to blog world. I look forward to keeping up with your life. Lets list one another as friends. And please don't reject me, I couldn't take it! By the way, it's me Kim, Shan's big sis.

Mom said...

This is sooooooo amazing to see! I was there and I still am amazed at how she did it! Just scales up those old door frames like there were steps there!!! She could go on the Letterman Show!