Sunday, July 27, 2008

Lake Chelan...God's creation is indescribable...

This may turn out to be the highlight of our summer. During our 2 week holiday doing various things in the Seattle area with Josh's family, we took some couple/no kid time and went to Lake Chelan with two of our special couple friends. Thank you WSU Cougar Baseball auction for this trip we won!!! All 3 boys played baseball together and we are so grateful for the rare opportunity to come together and connect. On top of living in luxury in a amazing house with water "toys" to boot, this trip brought beautiful clarity to our friendships. Being Cougs connects us, baseball inspires us and our faith motivates us to bring it all together and dream similar dreams for our marriages, children and communities. Thank God for good grounded friends!

Monday, July 21, 2008


Chase was super awesome going to her siblings baseball games 5 days a week for 4 months with NO COMPLAINTS was her time to have some Chasey fun. She had her ladies over for a foofy pool party...tiny sandwhiches and fun treats and lots of 5 year old chatter...oh my! Good times where had by all and in the end she said, "I still get to have my birthday party in October too?"
These crazy girls are the best of friends, can be the bossiest of girls and so insecure within each other at times. They are the strong headed women amongst some sweet gentle boys in their pre-k class...PIRANHAS! I'm glad I'm not 5 but I appreciate the naivety of that age and how they have all the time in the world to just focus on being friends and having fun.

Girl with a Gun...

Josh and I went on a very interesting double date last week. Our friend is a police sergeant and he took his wife and us to the police shooting range to play with guns. Typically I'm not a gun girl...don't care much for them or about them. We shot a machine gun (wowee), a sniper rifle (the easiest), a huge rifle (too much kick for me) and his duty hand gun (my favorite!!). Jessica and I were too busy goofing off during our "training" so we got a talking to by the Sarge about obviously didn't work because more than once I accidentally turned my gun towards others (with my finger OFF the trigger). Anywho...we had fun in the dusty sun!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Public Service Announcement...Ahhh, 80s TV...

Raise your hand if you were raised on the boob tube? Me me hand is high in the air. I did my homework in front of it, I vegged in front of it, slept, ate, hung out with friends...I was ALWAYS in front of the tv. I could tell you at least 5 story lines to different soap operas, I watched every talk show at the same time (clicked back and forth on commercials), I was a genius at all the game shows (still a secret desire of mine to be on Press Your Luck..."No More Whammies". I studied hard the make out techniques on Dallas and Dynasty...the list goes on. However, I also loved the comedy sitcoms in the evening. I watched them all...and remember most of them well...I could give you verbatim dialog now...which is where my story is supposed to be starting.
We have not had cable in our house for about 5 years now. We purposely don't use an antennae to find the basic networks...however, NBC comes in clear as a bell. I LOVED the television but what I found over the years is that my kids did too. They quickly ran to the tv for entertainment, I used it as a babysitter and most everything was offensive to me. I couldn't bear letting the words, images, relentless advertisements into the ears and heart of my wee ones any bye bye to cable.
Benefits: Kids in bed by 8...3 hours with my honey every night that doesn't include ignoring each other to watch our favorite shows. My kids don't know what's "cool"...they only recently learned who Zack and Cody are, watched their first Sponge Bob episode via a rental and brand names don't mean anything to them. They spend their day doing everything else but watching tv...we're grateful however for online rentals for those tired moments when we all want to veg.
Final favorite point: We run out of new G rated movies quickly so I've jumped back a few decades in my brain to the shows I loved as a kid and guess what...they're ALL available through Netflix!!! Here's our list of favorites if you are looking for some great, entertaining 80s shows to reminisce with, laugh with your kids with, or to just admire Cliff Huxtable's sweaters. In order of the most requested in the Hamik home:

*Little House on the Prairie *Brady Bunch *Cosby Show *Punky Brewster *Leave it to Beaver *Flintstones/Jetsons *Smurfs *Full House (a little sassy) *Gummi Bears

My final encouragement is this: our world wants to grow our kids up so fast. We can only do so much to shelter them from it, short of wrapping them in bubble wrap. One easy way to protect them from things their little minds cannot yet process with maturity is to be the big bad mean...or strong loving determined parent and say no to many of the things on the tv/movies that they want to see. Things that are entertaining to us aren't always processed the same in their wee minds. GIRLS ESPECIALLY: if our 7 year olds are contantly watching, "Isn't he sooo cute or I wish he liked me", then that is what they will deem valuable. We need to inundate our girls with love, acceptance and worth based on the fact that they are princesses...not in the Hollywood sense but as God Almighty's daughter.
We diligently use the following site before allowing our kids to watch anything that is above G rated. They'll call from sleepovers to ask us to look up movies before they watch and they're usually confident to say, "No, thank you" if we decide it's not appropriate. It's a blessing to us in helping us discern for our kids...isn't it our responsibility anyway?