Sunday, June 8, 2008

There's a Storm a Brewin'

May the words of my mouth and the mediations of my heart,
be pleasing to you, my God.
You're my Rock and my Redeemer,
You're the reason that I sing.
I desire to be a blessing in your eyes.
Every hour and every moment, Lord I want to be a servant.
I desire to be a blessing, in your eyes.
Psalm 19

It's a beautiful Sunday. There's not a cloud in the sky, summer weather is emerging, yet there's a storm brewing. A storm in some precious lives around us. I was so distracted with a heavy heart this morning that I couldn't sit through Sunday I ducked out to pray. I needed to walk around outside to soak up God's beauty and remind myself that when the storms finally reach our lives, God already has his hands all over it. He saw it coming, watched it reach us and desires to hold us through it. My encouragement today is despite the rough weather and tossing and turning life brings...May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart, be pleasing to God.


Shannon said...

sometimes when you are in the midst of the storm God will ask you to trust and step out of the boat ONto the water. It's when we take our eyes OFF of Him that we begin to sink. We need to keep our eyes focused on him to weather the storm and stay afloat!

Marie Reed said...

I just love looking at the blogs that Shannon has designed. This is a gem! You have a gorgeous family:)

erinlitteral said...

Awesome encouragement, love this blog. Keep praisin' Him.

Tiffany Ryan said...

Have I told you how much I LOVE your blog!!!? So inspirational and encouraging! I totally look forward to what you write next! It's so fun to catch up on the Hamik family!!! Love you guys!