Thursday, June 5, 2008

Hotel Living...

Long story short: Water mold...destruction...extra destruction...restoration...still restoring 3 weeks later. I've been working so hard these past few weeks to remain positive, as is my nature, and not complain. Heck, insurance is being amazing so far and we have a hotel to stay thanks to our employment. In the beginning I struggled to push my space (2 standard rooms with 2 queens a piece and no living space or kitchen) to the limits but I think I've settled into my area now with acceptance. The kids love it, they now have cable (which is absent at home) and only a small room to get clean between the 3 of them. Josh loves it. He has no yard work, gets to eat out every meal and housekeepers to bring him things (which I try to discourage as much as possible).
What is this unsettled feeling I can’t put my finger on? Why am I not basking in my lack of chores to do? Why am I not embracing the task of picking out new countertops, floors, shower and fixtures? Here’s the best I could come up with… Women have the compelling desire to “nest”. It is both an instinctual and emotional task for us to tidy, organize, prepare sustenance, kick off our shoes and let your hair down (or tie it up). The desire to dig our roots under our “palace” is a primal act of protecting our young and nurturing the unique identity that makes our family – our family. I am compelled to create a sanctuary for my family to feel safe and loved in…which brings me to my dilemma. I struggle doing this with 53 neighboring rooms filled with strangers, beds a million people have slept in, a bathroom counter to cut up after school snacks on and having the only place for guests to sit on is the very bed I sleep on, work on, fold laundry on…don’t get me started on laundry. Josh conveniently reserved us rooms with a distance spanning from
Egypt to Chatanooga, to our car, our office and the guest laundry room.

Here’s where all the blessings flow. My natural nesting instinct has been put on hold in the form of a sort of fasting. I’ve been challenged to focus on my Maker every minute of the day to appreciate where He has me and what He wants me to experience during this time. Maybe God’s plan is to do a little restoration within me…not just my home. Maybe I am to count my blessings and maybe…just maybe…this is a time for me to receive. Why is it so hard to accept that, when we strive daily to keep God at the center of our every thought and action, He won’t do His part and fulfill His promise? (See Pearls Found) Receiving can be hard…especially from God. So for now, I will hold on to these things: Receiving - Restoration – Renewal. Prayers are also welcome for a family of 5 sharing 300 square feet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Allison~ You are such a writer! I loved what you shared here...and yes, I is a longing to return to YOUR nest! You are mama bird of your OWN palace. How sweet your return there shall be.
Mwah!! love you girl! Storie