**When I'm hurting, what are my options? I can have peace in my heart that my Father loves me, is available to comfort me and wants me to grow stronger because of it. I can also choose to believe there is no God, no one greater than me protecting me and no reason to persevere through it. I choose PEACE.
**When I'm going through something too personal to explain, what are my options? I can have peace in my heart and rest in the fact that my Father will never be farther away from me than my heart and understands all that I'm feeling at all times. I can also choose to believe that there's no purpose in life's difficulties, no one will ever truly understand me and I'll always feel some sense of aloneness in this world. I choose PEACE.
**When I need provision in my life: financially, relationally, more time..., what are my options? I can have peace that God promises to provide all my needs if I wait on his timing with faith and trust. I can worry and fret and become anxious because my needs are not being met and work myself tirelessly to get what I think I need. I choose PEACE.
The opportunities to choose peace are endless in every day. I will choose to tap into the resource of Jesus at every turn, to own that gift of peace that has been given to me. When we choose to worry, fret and become doubtful, we are basically showing God and those around us the lack of faith and trust we truly have in his ability, his power and his love for us... We have been given "the peace that surpasses all understanding" in this world...Receive it, Believe it and Own it!!!
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