Sunday, August 24, 2008

Gotta Love Jed...

Our final camping trip of the summer with our lovely Michiels Family to Jedediah Smith State Park. We are surrounding the "biggest" tree in the "world"...something like that. There were 9 of us surrounding the tree and we still couldn't go completely around it...amazing. As we walked through the forest and dodged the killer mosquitos, I couldn't wrap my mind around the strength, height and power that God created in that enormous and magnificent Redwood forest. The forest is dense and there is so much mystery in the trees that are down, burnt and bending toward the sunlight. The part that warmed my heart the most was the huge powerful trees that were standing so strong on their own yet that wasn't enough for them...they needed something more...they bent and leaned and reached to get closer to the warmth of the sun...I find myself doing the same thing. I can be fairly strong on my own but nevertheless, I find myself bending, leaning and reaching for the Son...I need His warmth to sustain me, to encourage me to keep going and the filling within to continue to press on toward my goal: eternity in Heaven. I'm grateful for the trees at Jed and the gentle encouragements they gave me.

You, O king, are that tree! You have become great and strong; your greatness has grown until it reaches the sky, and your dominion extends to distant parts of the earth. Daniel 4:22

May we resemble a tree like this...deep roots as our foundation, growing strong and broadening our tent to reach those around us. Loves y'all...Alli out!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Olympic Gymnastics...

Congrats to our US girls for winning gold and silver medals...but they forgot about our bronze winner, Chase!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Safety 101...

We have been enjoying our brand new trampoline in our backyard this week. Between Jett's suggestions and my own research, we purchased one with all the safety bells and whistles. The kids have been running in circles over the past several days...out of the pool and into the tramp and back and forth in the 95 degree ideal summer day for them. Today, as I was showing another momma all the great features, Sailor was climbing out of the tramp net, carefully stepping onto the stool and oops...a little tumble onto the grass...SO I THOUGHT! A delayed scream alerted me and the other mom something was not okay with her. Her arm wasn't in the correct position and everyone started to panic. My mental Rolodex quickly pulled up the same situation with Jett 6 years ago. Dislocated...head to the ER. En route on my 5 minute momma ambulance drive, I pulled into our pediatrician's office and our favorite doc did the not so fun job of pulling, twisting and realigning my screaming girls elbow. As soon as it was over, she whimpered, "thank you" to the staff that was holding her still. So polite!

Moral: Trampolines can be dangerous, even with bells and whistles, but stepping stools are worse!

Thursday, August 7, 2008's a magical time...

I receive a little mini-magazine from Focus on the Family each month and this month there was an article I could've written myself. I thought I'd share it from my perspective:

The word is gloaming, which means "the time of day immediately following sunset, just before nightfall". It's a word not used often any more in our modern times but it can be found frequently in old written works and antiqued conversations. It is a special time of the day for me. I've said it many times how much I love bedtime with my children. Not because I have tons of energy as the sun goes down or I like reading endless books with them...but because something magical happens as the earth begins to cool, the critters hunker in for the night and the world slows down. My children open up like crocuses in the spring...daring me to look deep inside at all that detail and mystery within. Josh and I make our rounds into each child's room individually...he has a whole routine that involves some sort of tickle monster, stuffed animals that come to life and a weird voice that serves some purpose I have yet to discover. Josh's routine takes a half hour total...I'm lucky if I finish one babe in that time. My routine is different. I snuggle up to each one...sometimes I ask a few questions and sometimes they just explode with lamentations and successes they've experienced in the day. They go on and on and only stop because I need to move on to the next lil' one or find my husband for some always welcome alone time. Like most, I'm tired at the end of the day and want some "me" time but man, I just can't get myself to cut them off, miss the opportunity to know their hearts and build a foundation of trust, compassion and admiration between each of us that hopefully takes us into their adult lives. Our staple subjects for bedtime prayers are: thanking God for the beautiful day, friends in our day, future spouses, our big God, ailments, upcoming plans and for Sailor right now, the perfect dwarf hamster to be born and waiting for her at the pet store for her birthday in a month!
I'm grateful for the gloaming time of day...I'm amazed God has taken some of my selfish habits and allowed me to be a giver of my time during the gloaming...I encourage you all to make the most of that magical gloaming time of day with your precious little gifts.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I've missed blogging...

There will probably be several posts before the night is over due to my withdrawls from the internet and blog and the need to purge my brain of all that's happened in my life over the past few weeks away.

Ode to Ashland: Everyone may love the town they live in but I will go down swinging that mine is exceptional. Despite a naked lady, insane amounts of liberalism and a city council that needs it's own therapist...I LOVE ASHLAND! Locals in the valley refer to it as "7 straight miles surrounded by reality". I agree...I try to save up my household shopping for a rare trip into the "big city" of Medford twice a month (10 miles north) because I don't like leaving my beautiful, impeccable, cozy surroundings. I love the ski mountain 20 minutes away and the lake for our boat 10 minutes down the road. It's becoming an unfortunate mecca of "spirituality" but the art, wine and theater culture is deep and diverse. I walk most mornings in the summer outside and there is not a hill, country road or town street that I haven't stopped to thank God for creating all that surrounds me. I especially love walking in Lithia Park, our "Central Park", because the coolness of the creek on the paths at dawn is a refreshing time to reflect on God's uncontainable goodness He's bestowed on me.

After our long trip away, I realized that being away feels like work to me and being home in Ashland during the summer is the best vacation ever. Every morning I wake up excited for the heat, the activities and who God will put in my path.

P.S. We have 55 extra rooms if any of you want to come see if I'm telling the truth about A-Town...ATP as the high schoolers have on their t-shirts...Ashland Town Pride!

Chelan pics...

Gotta love living in bathing suits all weekend!

80s XMRadio Sing a Thon Night!

"Cougar Gold" Game Night: "Tannen Bom Bom" Robbie Ryan

Allison pulling the boys on the wave little screaming girls!!!