Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Mary Mary Quite Contrary...

Today was conference day at school to kick off Spring Break. I thought I'd share my favorite part of our conferences today for the kiddos. Chase's first grade teacher shared with me a response she wrote to a prompting...a writing assignment they do often.

The prompt from Mrs. Gardener: Mary brought her pet skunk to school.
Chase's response (I'll translate afterwards): Maree had a babe. his name wase Jesus. he is the hale spirit. I love God. he tuk my sin o wae.

"Mary had a baby. His name was Jesus. He is the Holy Spirit. I love God. He took my sin away."

Um...not sure what to say about that except my heart is bursting with sweetness for my daughter. I love that when she hears the name Mary, there's only one thing she thinks of...not skunks or school but Jesus' momma...Amen! The comment on her report card from her teacher was, "I am enjoying Chase immensely and consider myself fortunate to be her teacher! She is a hard worker and willing to take on new and bigger things. I appreciate her deep sense of right and wrong. She is willing to take on the injustices of the world an be the champion to the underdog. She knows who she is and what she believes and willingly shares that with others. Thanks for sharing her with me!"

Now if that doesn't soften my heart for all those times she's being a stinky sister, nothing will! Thank you Jesus for speaking into my please let it reflect on how she interacts with her siblings!

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