Saturday, March 28, 2009

Winter and Wine - San Francisco 49ers Event

Our friends invited us on an amazing family weekend in Squaw Valley (Tahoe) to the San Fran 49ers charity event. It was an incredible weekend filled with tons of surprises, sore muscles, Olympians and huge football players.

The first night we made smores with some football players and some Gold Rush cheerleaders...

Heading up to the slopes for our first of two LONG days in the hot sunshine...gotta love Spring skiing...we delayered all day long and ended up with some rosey cheeks.

Josh and Chris enjoying the sunshine and lunch on the patio...they're wearing their swimsuits and they're surrounded by snowy beautiful and warm.

A little slopey love of the kids...they did AWESOME and Chase kept up with everyone which was such a blessing!


Elisabeth said...

I'm not gonna lie... I've watched the clip about five times and STILL find it super cute!!! :) So glad you got to get away with the fam for a weekend! ♥E

Shannon said...

oh my goodness....I am SOOO jealous! I LOVE THE 49ers!