Sunday, September 28, 2008

Drowning Drowning...Swiiiiiiimmmmiiinnngggg

Man, it's taken me 3 weeks to make this post. I think school has been going for 4ish weeks now and I am just now able to say my head is above water, I can see daylight and I feel good about my schedule and daily life. this what happens after a summer of lots of fun and not so much work. I really paid for my slacky happy go-lucky summer. Is anyone else going through this crazy transition still? My honey is baffled at my overwhelmed attitude this month. He was sure the first day of school would come and I would have tons of time on my hands now that Chase is in Kindergarten and the two bigs are gone until 3. WRONG...he forgets that he keeps adding to my work load and that I've always been behind in my work and now I'm actually caught up with a few minutes to spare for eating, breathing and working out. Wow...I love my new schedule, despite missing my 3 crazies during the day...with some time management tweaking hopefully he'll start to see a relaxed, peaceful wife when he arrives home with dinner on the table and homework completed. If he's lucky maybe I'll have heels on, an apron and hand him his cigar and martini so he can kick his feet up, read the paper and enjoy a silent house for awhile...hehehe, that'll never happen but I do want to create a house of peacefulness when he gets home from work. A few hours of family time where we can enjoy eachother on the front porch after dinner, watch the kids while they ride around the neighborhood and soak up these final 80 degree days of "summer". That is my goal...that is my heart...and that is my mission for my family in this new chapter of Fall we are entering into.

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