Friday, July 10, 2009

Tips from the Retro Recycler...

It's becoming a joke now that my first tattoo was a recycling tattoo...I was eco-friendly before it was cool. Therefore, I've given myself the name of the Retro Recycler and I plan on gracing y'all with some factoids that'll get you thinkin' and hopefully get you actin'.

The Bottled Water Problem
*Still drinking bottled water when you could safely filter or turn on a tap? Consider:
*1.5 million barrels of oil are used to make water bottles in the U.S. each year.
*Bottled water also requires oil for shipping, refrigerating, and even recycling.
*86% of plastic bottles in the U.S. end up in a landfill or incinerator.
*More than 60 million plastic bottles end up in landfills and incinerators every day — 22 billion a year.
*Water quality standards set by the EPA for tap water are more stringent than the FDA’s standards for bottled water.
*Ounce for ounce, bottled water costs more than gasoline.
Container Recycling Institute

My vote: get yourself a fabulous stylin' aluminum or stainless steel water bottle at one of my favorite sites: Eco-usable products, SIGG or Kleen Kanteen.

I love each year in my kids' classrooms seeing more and more Eco-logical bottles rather than those nasty Eco-destructive bottles. I suppose living in Ashland isn't giving me a fair representation around the country...gotta love crazy "Green Lovers"!

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