Monday, June 14, 2010

Congrats Jett!

My sweet boy just played his last game of his 7 year little league career...Jett and Josh's team came in 1st place for the past 3 years and this weekend took home 2 trophies for both season and tournament champions! We still have all-stars which will be in Ashland just a few blocks from our house...perfection!!! I am feeling very sad not to sit at our beautiful fields watching my babe play the game he loves. The player's parents are a family, the siblings love their thrice weekly playdates at the fields and cheering on all the same boys year after year has come to and boo hoo. We're on to middle school ball which is just a short little stepping stone to, dare I say...Ashland H.S. Grizzly Baseball! Slow down life...slow down!

1 comment:

Grammy said...

Holy Moly!!! Who's that cutie!!!!
Congratulations!!! I'm proud of you so proud of you................................................................''