Saturday, October 31, 2009

Monster Dash 2009

Today Auntie Sarah, Sailor and I ran in the 1st Annual Kiwanis Monster Dash to support Ashland School Foundation.  We ran the 5K and Sailor was one of the only kids to do the 5K instead of the 1 mile.  She rocked it and we won the costume contest for the "over 18 Group" category.
It was exhilarating to see her succeed and get that adrenaline rush in the last 1/4 mile when all the town was lining up on the street cheering runners to the finish line and oohing and ahhing at the cute little lady bug running by with all the big people.  Fun day...time to relax and play with our friends coming over to hang on the evening of Oct. 31.

Note:  Sailor contributed the awesome finger knitted red ankle cuffs to our costume...she's so cute!

Boulevard Coffee Official Ribbon Cutting

Ashland's Chamber of Commerce did their monthly Greeters meeting yesterday at BC and ended with our official ribbon cutting ceremony.  It was sillynd special at the same time.  AND YES, the scissors are HUGE and really do cut.  

Friday, October 30, 2009

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Disappear...Ahhh...breath it in...

On a day like this I want to crawl beneath a rock
A million miles from the world, the noise, the commotion
That never seems to stop

And on a day like this I want to run away from the routine
Run away from the daily grind that can suck the life
Right out of me
I only know of one place I can run to

I want to hide in You
The Way, the Life, the Truth
So I can disappear
And love is all there is to see
Coming out of me
And You become clear
As I disappear

I don't want to care about earthly things
Be caught up in all the lies that trick my eyes
They say it's all about me
I'm so tired of it being about me¦

I would rather be cast away
Separated from the human race
If I don't bring You glory
If I don't bring You glory
If I don't bring You glory


So I just did a crazy thing to myself. My friend and I sat way too long watching our boys play baseball all weekend and what we ended up with was a silly undertaking for the upcoming week. We decided to do a NO GLUTEN - NO DAIRY - NO MEAT - NOTHING PROCESSED food plan. I lasted 4 days and then I gave up on the nuts, fruits and veggies. I suppose my pants might be baggier but the biggest lesson learned was how stinkin' many times in a day I wanted to grab a little of this and eat a little of that just because it was in front of me. I was very controlled through the whole thing so hopefully lesson learned is to catch myself before grabbing something that I really don't need. But oh baby, let me tell you...those banana nut chocolate muffins Chase made the other day went down nice and easy tonight!! :)

Friday, October 16, 2009

We love it when Pauly Paul comes to town...

I love our Christian musicians...and I especially love them when they are "local" and stay at the Stratford Inn. I love their message, their sincerity and their kindness. I love when they perform concerts and are able to say hi to my kids because they recognize them from show to show...we love Paul Wright and his band for staying with us and expiencing Boulevard Coffee for the first time and loving it!!!

Kim and Paul...
somebody's very happy to have this pic!

FB...who me???

So I said I'd never do it. Never say never right? Well, it's not a total "never"... I've joined Facebook...sort of. I still maintain that social networking via MS, FB, Twit... are not for me. In the wise words of Miley Cyrus..."I'd rather be living my life than living for others (in the context of updating her life via the www). Respect to all y'all who enjoy it...I just don't have the gene.

I'm now Tweeting and FBing for BOULEVARD COFFEE! Check us out and be a friend or fan or whatever that means. We're announcing contests, silly questions and special events. I think it makes sense for our business so hopefully you all like it too!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Grand Opening at Boulevard Coffee

We've finally arrived at the big day...we're officially advertising and screamin' from the rooftops for all to come in.