Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Christmas Shopping...what are you going to give?

I'm sure you're all in full swing getting your Christmas shopping finalized...or started. If you're like me, you hate the crowds so you finished your shopping already or you may be CRAZY and have braved Black Friday and other Christmas mall insanity episodes. Nevertheless...there's one gift I wanted to remind you to shop for. What are you getting Jesus for Christmas? I encourage you to take some time. He's not very picky so it shouldn't be hard. He appreciates anything we give him. Big or small, there is one thing I know He wants. That perfect amazing beloved gift...YOU...yes YOU! As you're thinking about so many other people this month, remember who's birthday it truly is and make Him a part of all your shopping. Keep Him in mind while you are discerning how much money to spend that He's provided you with, how you'll treat the other CRAZIES still shopping and the many tired store clerks you'll come into contact with. Make sure to smile and wish those people assisting you a MERRY CHRISTMAS...yes, I said it and so can you. Jesus, especially this time of year, wants you to be toasty, cozy and intensely on fire for him and what better way to shine that light than a simple, Merry Christmas!

Back to your gift. As you're wrapping your presents so carefully and putting them under the tree, don't forget the most important one. Maybe you can wrap up your insecurity, maybe you have a health issue to offer or possibly you want to surrender your busyness to Him this Christmas season. Whatever it is you have to offer Jesus, He is ready and happy to receive it. Maybe if you're like me, you'll be wrapping that same gift everyday and continually placing it under the tree because you have so much of it to give...and that's not a good thing...but it is to Him when we place it before His feet and say, "Here, I'm giving this to you because I love you, I trust you and I believe you."

Merry Christmas everyone and don't forget to give the most precious birthday boy a gift this blessed season!


Anonymous said...

I have the most beautiful daughter, both inside and out.
A wonderful message and reminder.

ALLISON said...

Ha ha...I wonder who left me that much for anonymous!